Week 1 Showdowns! Oregon vs LSU & Boise St vs Georgia


Who Dey
Wow, can't remember two blockbusters like this kicking off week 1. If Boise wants to have a shot at the title, they have to make a statement win tonight against Georgia. However, Georgia's schedule sets up perfectly for them to be the surprise SEC team to make noise this year. Opening the year with Boise and South Carolina they have a chance make a huge early statement that they are for real and with their schedule the rest of the way a 2-0 start could get them into National Title consideration.

Miller's Pick: Georgia 38 - Boise State 31

And in Dallas two teams with National Title dreams square off in Jerry's House is a great match-up! LSU's defense is nasty and should set the tone here. Oregon found out about SEC defenses in the title game last year and I think they find out again tonight. The Ducks high flying attack gets grounded and LSU let's everyone know they will be around all year!

Miller's Pick: LSU 27 - Oregon 17


In Dog We Trust
UGA v Boise will be a good game. Depending on the out come of this game UGA will go 2-0 or 0-2 to start the season. Think Boise wins it but won't be suprised if UGA wins it.

Oregon v LSU is a tough call. Pulling for LSU but think the Ducks pull this off. Hope i'm wrong.


In Dog We Trust
That i have to agree with. Nasty tasting bird. The chistmas bird on the christmas story. Duck at a chinese restaraunt with head attached.

On back to topic. Do think LSU is the better team, just wondering how they will handle the players not being able to play and it happened this close to the first game.


They had 10 days that they knew he'd be gone and several before that when they suspected he'd be gone, Jefferson not playing can not be an excuse. Anyway when then Jordan Jefferson become the savior for the Tigers. He is and always has been erratic at best. That's not to say that Lee has shown anything nearing consitency during his reign at the helm. We don't need Lee to beat the Ducks for us we just need him to be patient and not turn the ball over. We'll be okay with 75000 Tiger fans in Jerry Town.


Who Dey
Boise is kicking the Dawgs in the teeth!

Tigers have stomped the Ducks high flying O.....LSU's D is as nasty as advertised!


I'll withhold comment until Sunday. However if the game continues as is you can bet I'll find time to express my thoughts. Y'all have a great night.


Good night, Ducks down 13 with the ball and 6 1/2 mins. Ducks trying on 4th down......... 4 and out........Ducks goose is cooked now!!


Who Dey
LSU makes a big statement, IMO, they should be #1. You play a game like that week 1 and play the way they did, you get #1 from me.

Boise just continues to roll. I guess I'll have to get used to them being in the title hunt all year, cause they are not going anywhere!


Lee did exactly what the Tigers needed and that's control the ball. The defense was outstanding once again and that punter from down under put on a show. As Miles said after the game "Lee can play better." A couple of dropped passes could have made his stats much better in the end but the one that counts said Tigers win.