Matt Forte is p*ssed

Remote Controller

Well-Known Member
Forte is being screwed without the benefit of intercourse,and should holdout.

....hopefully no one will remember that I'm a Packer's fan and blow my cover



Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
it's wrong perhaps morally but the rules to the game are already set, and the players and ownership are bound to them. Also we don't make these enormous salaries, and quite frankly you can be fired from your job whenever for any reason. If you really want to spend your money on a lawyer after that when you have no job to investigate whether it was legal to do so - youre well within your rights to do so... but, far as i know - i could get fired tomorrow too, lose health benefits and etc - my company used the probably the best years my body had and i will almost certainly feel the effects in the long term. i feel for the players and hate the owners - im not saying i dont, it's just, we're talking about 8 million dollars isnt fair, and i dont buy it. the game the way it's set up this is the bears' best move
Okay obviously you are not in HR, then again neither am I.

No, they can't just fire you for fun, you could find a lawyer who would take that case for free. Too easy to get big money.
No, we aren't talking about 8 Million is not fair. What is not fair is in this "job" where every day you risk end of career and perhaps life threatening injury and you can get dropped for no reason than that the team doesn't want to pay you. Period. Again, for the three hundredth time, I get the league can cause its in the rules. Players though didn't want this, and neither did the union. And point blank Forte is getting screwed. He has been there main offense, has been paid peanuts up til now, and they won't get a deal done cause they can tag him till he gets hurt and loses value.

Just cause teams and owners can, doesn't mean I have to like it and can't call a spade a spade.


After a triumphant return to the boards, and a thorough perusing of this thread, I've come to 2 conclusions.

1. Not sure if I love or hate this new guy who seems to enjoy Haiku attempts, but he's certainly interesting and thoughtful.

2. Here's the skinny from a purely football standpoint. MB3 just retired. He was the previous #2 RB/change-of-pace/goal-line back to Forte who was forced into action after the injury and performed poorly, ultimately costing the Bears a game in Denver. Now I like Khalil Bell as much as the next guy, but the fact of the matter is that Chicago absolutely could not enter 2012 with a rehabbing Forte, an unproven Bell, and some rookie they rolled the dice on in the draft. Even after snagging Marshall for a song, these guys needed skill position talent or else have no chance of competing with GB and Detroit for a playoff spot. All indications are that Da Bears are going WR in the 1st or 2nd round for a bookend to Marshall, sooooo....
what sounds better, Forte/Bush/Bell with Marshall/Knox (maybe)/highly drafted groomable youngster and defensive fortifications through the rest of the draft. Or Forte/Bell/lottery ticket RB with Marshall/Knox/Sanzenbacher/late-round fliers at WR, while sacrificing the defense that nowadays in that division is more important than ever?
The Bush signing was a no-brainer to me because although Forte is one of the small handful of every-down RB's in today's NFL, the fact of the matter he's coming off a major injury and the cupboard behind him was bare. And oh by the way, Bush hasn't exactly been the picture of duurability during his college/pro career either, and he's knockin' on 30's door. (age)
Great football move, not a great move for Forte personally, so in effect what amounts to another contract year, I'd suggest playing the good "Soldier" (pun intended), prove you're back and 100% healthy/effective, and most importantly help your team get back to the playoffs.
And start investing that 7 mil+ in something besides stock.


Well-Known Member
1. if your company doesnt have millions to win, a lawyer wont take your case

2. yes, you can be fired or layed off at the drop of a hat, no real explanation is necessary. believe me, this is true - maybe you have some special job where this is not true - but ive lived through it so quite frankly **** off that im "not in HR" - welcome to the real world - no one owes you a goddamn thing

3. didnt say you couldnt say **** - say whatever the **** you want. i really dont care. but forte would put the same squeeze on you in a real world situation -
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Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
1. if your company doesnt have millions to win, a lawyer wont take your case
Wrongful loss of employment makes the case. $$ don't.

2. yes, you can be fired or layed off at the drop of a hat, no real explanation is necessary. believe me, this is true - maybe you have some special job where this is not true - but ive lived through it so quite frankly **** off that im "not in HR" - welcome to the real world - no one owes you a goddamn thing
yes, being laid off due to financial issues or such isn't wrongful employment loss, nor does it in any way compare to what happens with players here. So your argument is faulty. Color me surprised. Firing for no reason is illegal. Were you fired or laid off? Was there cause?

3. didnt say you couldnt say **** - say whatever the **** you want. i really dont care. but forte would put the same squeeze on you in a real world situation -
And you know this how? Cause you would be a jackass and do it too? Not all of us think as you do Gizzil. Thank god.


Well-Known Member
you can be fired for no reason too... "phicin was routinely late, just ask the receptionist" maybe you work for a fortune 500... not all of us do, the fact that it's the nfl doesnt make it any less wrong or right - im just saying if you're offered 8 mil you take it, and that thats the best move the team has

and no, im actually quite altruistic and i dont believe in the trappings of money or firing people or any of that. it's just a reality. if dude wanted to hold out last year he woulda been embraced. and if more of us did think like me - there'd be far less death and hunger in the world - so thank your god there are some good people left
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Hope comes with batteries
Every state is different but illinois is an at will state.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk


Coming at you
So is California. My company can get rid of you because they don't like the way you look..........


Who Dey
After a triumphant return to the boards, and a thorough perusing of this thread, I've come to 2 conclusions.

1. Not sure if I love or hate this new guy who seems to enjoy Haiku attempts, but he's certainly interesting and thoughtful.
He's not really new......


Hope comes with batteries
Just to add one more thing. :)

But as long as your civil liberties are not violated you can be fired for no reason if you live in a at will state.

Thats my HR lesson for the day.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
b the way efactor, you're late too often and your performance has been lackluster. you're fired.


Coming at you
b the way efactor, you're late too often and your performance has been lackluster. you're fired.

Well, I do come and go as I please, but my performance is amazing. Top 5 in a company of 5 million.

"We don't care. You're still fired"

And sorry, I have no empathy for Matt Forte. It's in the rules that he can be franchised, so take it up with the union and BTW, 7 million is a lot of money and sorry, just because football is a short career, that doesn't entitle you to a lifetime of not working, unless you invest your money wisely. So I suggest you invest your money wisely and stop whining.

I believe players should get every cent that they can negotiate but in this case, the Bears were looking out for their financial interests, which is within their rights. Shut up and play or try to make more money outside of football. You might want to ask Randy Moss how that worked for him..........


Staff member
b the way efactor, you're late too often and your performance has been lackluster. you're fired.

Actually, Giz, You gave 2 reasons for firing E. This can create problems because now E can present evidence to refute your claims thereby creating a possible "wrongful termination" suit.

The text book way to fire someone is simply:

"Mr. Giz, We are no longer in need of your services".

But I agree....

EFactor should be fired. :grin:


Well, I do come and go as I please, but my performance is amazing. Top 5 in a company of 5 million.

"We don't care. You're still fired"

And sorry, I have no empathy for Matt Forte. It's in the rules that he can be franchised, so take it up with the union and BTW, 7 million is a lot of money and sorry, just because football is a short career, that doesn't entitle you to a lifetime of not working, unless you invest your money wisely. So I suggest you invest your money wisely and stop whining.

I believe players should get every cent that they can negotiate but in this case, the Bears were looking out for their financial interests, which is within their rights. Shut up and play or try to make more money outside of football. You might want to ask Randy Moss how that worked for him..........
