who would you keep as your 5th keeper???


New Member
I am trying to decide on my 5th keeper in my money league....12 teams and each team must keep 5 players...no adjustment for keeping only 4...has to be 5....

scoring...1 point for 25 yards rush and rec....1 ppr,,,,6 point tds....5 point bonus at 100 yards

start....1qb, 2RB, 2WR, 1 flex at RB or WR, TE, K , Def

My 4 definate keepers....

Larry Fitzgerald

I had every intention of keeping Benson but with a possible suspension coming...not so sure....My other options are Jonathan Stewart and Ocho Cinco....

I have the 11th pick in a serpentine draft....

Do I just stay with Benson and get WR/WR with my 1st 2 picks????


Who Dey
I think I have to agree with the above. They are close IMO for this year, but since you add the keeper aspect you have to give the nod to Stewart, suspension or not.

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
Stewart would appear to be the best choice. By CJ Im assuming Chris Johnson, which means youve basically locked up two top 8 and three top 15 backs, a top 5 QB, and a top 10 WR. Just the backfield power alone makes it worth it, not to mention the injury coverage.

Im curious how you got both CJ AND SJax. Trade or bad season/lucky pick?