2014: The End of the Running QB Studs


Take a look around the league and you'll see that it is true. Those dual threat QB's just ain't what they used to be. Here's a bit from rotoworld.com on the story and you can find much more at sports Illustrated.

Former NFL GM and current ESPN analyst Bill Polian believes "what we’re seeing this year is the incredible erosion of the running quarterback."

NFL.com draft guru Gil Brandt agrees, saying "I think we’re slowly, slowly going back to the age of pocket quarterbacks." Specifically, Colin Kaepernick and Cam Newton have been two of the least-accurate quarterbacks in the league this season, and they've noticeably regressed or flatlined as passers. Both have cannons for arms, but don't display the touch and aren't making plays with their legs due to injuries or the realization by the coaching staffs that it's not worth the unnecessary hits after seeing Robert Griffin III tear up his knee in 2012 and ankle in 2014. SI's Peter King has a good read on the topic accessible at the link below.

Source: Sports Illustrated http://mmqb.si.com/2014/12/03/quarterback-market-draft-2015/


Bacon=greatest of all!
I think its just the opposite. People are trying to take these read-option qbs out of college and turn them into pocket passers and don't understand why they are not being successful. Take the qbs mentioned in the article. Cam Newton, Kaepernick, and RGIII, all had phenomenal success in their first few years because they ran the ball and forced defenses to play the entire field. But everyone says you can't be successful in the long run doing that so they have been weaned into adopting a pocket style approach to playing football and they all have suffered a decline in production.

Meanwhile nothing is being said at all about Tannehill. He has been more and more an active runner and his production has been the best of his career this year. He was a pocket style passer that has started incorporating more mobility into his game and it is paying off. I also find it funny how all these articles conveniently ignore Russel Wilson. Could it be because he is a running qb that is also adept at pocket passing and counters the argument against running qbs?

I say let the athletic qbs run and do what they do and find their success the way they know how. The problem relies in trying to make someone be something that they are not.

If running by the qb was thought to be the key to success all of a sudden would everyone be calling for Matt Ryan or Stafford to start getting out of the pocket and run, run, run? I don't think so cause that is not what they do or how they play the game. Just like sitting in the pocket is not how Newton, Kaep, and RGIII have learned to play the game.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
I don't think Rodgers scrambles around as much as he did a few years ago
Doesn't mean he cannot.

The fact is, you can't afford to have a "running" Qb anymore in the NFL. Defenses have made it clear, with ball or without, if you are out of pocket we WILL hit you and make you pay. To me, the issue with "Running" Qbs is not their running. Its there lack of passing accuracy. Luck, Rodgers and even Wilson are very accurate throwers in pocket, or moving. Cam and RGIII are not, they are scatter shot, so if you pound them enough, you take run away and they are awful then.