RGIII NFL pariah????


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
What an absolute mess in Washington.

You have reports within and without the organization that the GM and HC don't want RG3 and want to go with Cousins.

You have an owner, who is locked in on RG3 and is pushing back, letting his personal relationship block what little football sense he has.

You have a league laughing at Washington and not wanting to offer trade bait as he will probably be cut anyway.

Meanwhile you have a team that wants nothing to do with RG3, and isn't supporting him at all, seriously have you heard any Redskins on his side? I have not.

What a mess to deal with.

Where could he go......... Who needs a mobile, fragile Qb???

My thoughts:
Buffalo? - I don't think so, I get the feeling Rex wants some stability, and a Qb just willing to let the Rb and his dump off targets do they work.

Chicago? - don't love Cutler but can't afford another Qb salary so I don't think so.

Most NFC teams are set at Qb, but.................................................
What about Philadelphia?????? They have a solid O-line, will have a great running game, and he would add a dimension to the team with his mobility, to make Tebow useless. Just a thought. Kelly might be able to fix him.

Cleveland - Good God no, they don't need another Qb mess.
Houston - Hmmmmm....kind of headed home, he was from Baylor, and Hoyer ain't all that. Hmmmmm....
NY Jets - I don't see it, not sure why, but don't see it.

NO I think he will only have two options, Houston looking to play off the home time crowd and Philly wanting to play with a new toy if Bradford gets hurt.



Sad truth is that III, even at his young age, isn't the QB he used to be. The mobility isn't there since the injury at least it's not close to where it once was. He can't or hasn't been able to, function as a pocket passer. Gun shy and lacks confidence in spite of what he says about himself. I think that you nailed the only two teams that should have any interest and I'm not sure that Houston needs another poor QB. They have had and still do, plenty of those. I think it's a sad story even if it seems fitting for the guy. You reap what you sow and as you see he doesn't have friends around him. His days as a star are done. His days as a starter are likely over and his days in the NFL could well be numbered. Still I hope someone gives the kid a chance, we all deserve another chance to turn our lives around. Chip may well be the only hope he has for anything near a resurrection of his career.

Nice thread PhiCin. Thanks for starting it.


Coming at you
I feel for the guy. Shanahan putting him back in the game against Seattle on that field ruined a potentially great career. That injury and rushing him back was just foolish on so many levels.


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
I feel for the guy. Shanahan putting him back in the game against Seattle on that field ruined a potentially great career. That injury and rushing him back was just foolish on so many levels.
E...what about San Fran? Would they want a similar Qb as Kaep? Granted both have issues...but maybe as an understudy to Kaep?


Coming at you
E...what about San Fran? Would they want a similar Qb as Kaep? Granted both have issues...but maybe as an understudy to Kaep?

Not a bad thought. I think the best thing for Griffin would be to back up in a positive situation for a year, get totally healthy and rebuild his confidence. Guy is still young. This is a make or break season for Kaepernick. If he struggles, I don't see SF paying him that kind of money in 2016. The way his contract is structured, they can bail any time.


Well-Known Member
Like the Eagles the most of the options. Think it might play to his strengths. Next spot is his last chance so he needs to end up in a good situation. I don't think Houston 's offense lends itself well to a running qb.

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Well-Known Member
Also agree that was a horrible short sighted decision by Shanahan to keep him in the playoff game.

Seems like this is headed for a top 5 reasons you can't blame RG3. If that is the case reason 1 is Shanahan putting him in that playoff game.

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