which team looks better


New Member
So I am deciding on my keepers and mocking my upcoming draft base on potential other keepers and how I think the first 2 rounds will go...

12 teams 5 keepers...I have the 11th pick...

we start...1 qb, 2 rbs, 2 wrs, 1 te and 1 flex RB or WR

QBs..1 pt every 50.....6 point tds.....5 points at 350
Rbs..2 pts every 25....6 point tds.....5 points at 100
Wrs..1 pt every 25.....6 point tds...1ppr...5 points at 100
TEs...1 pt every 25.....6 point tds...1ppr...5 points at 50

its a very customized scoring system...QBs and TEs are highest scores...and alot of WRs score high...few RBs make the top 50 in scoring

1st team

Chris Johnson...Keeper
1st pick...Mike Sims Walker or Driver or Wallace
2nd pick...Jstew?? Malcolm Floyd Z Miller

2nd team

Chris Johnson...Keeper
1st pick...Bowe...Jstew...
2nd...pick....Driver....M Bush...Z Miller

My other option will be similiar to team 1 but instead of Benson I keep JStew...

Thanks in advance

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
1st Team:

Im looking at Zach Miller. He could potentially sneak into the Top 7 before the years end, and lets remember the chemistry Campbell has always displayed with his TE's

Sims-Walker is the #1 on his team. Id take him over an aging Driver and Wallace. Wallace will be Pitts #1 soon, but with the QB issues right now Id pass.

2nd Team

Still take Zach Miller. Id also go with Bowe since RBs dont mean much.