TO crying again


NFL - The sad state of Trerrell Owens - ESPN

It would be pathetic if it weren't so terribly sad. A broke Terrell Owens went on Dr. Phil's show to face the mothers of three of his children and discuss why he is not more involved in their lives and has stopped paying child support. The episode aired Tuesday.
Owens doesn't see any of his four kids -- two sons and two daughters by four women -- with any regularity because, he said, his schedule doesn't allow it. He doesn't send Christmas presents. He doesn't call on their birthdays. Until recently, he didn't do anything but pop in occasionally on short notice and send money at the beginning of the month.
The monthly tab, at its peak, according to Owens: $50,000.

I know it is wrong to think this way, but why doesn't this guy just off himself? I would rather have a classy guy like Seau around than TO. Maybe it gets bad enough where he eventually does the world a favor?

Sorry for being so wrong.... :redface: