Are college football coaches too quickly overrated or underrated?


and to take this further, is there even a good way to judge a college football coach?

I will start this with Mack Brown.
This man was basically ridiculed because he couldn't beat a ranked team. I remember this well because he was tabbed with this label while coaching at Tulane and North Carolina, back when the Tarheels were nothing but a basketball school. Mack Brown took control of the Longhorns, and made them a winner instantly, but because he wasn't beating Oklahoma, he was still laughed at, meanwhile, Stoops was declared a genius for winning a championship with another coaches players. The tide changed, and Mack Brown won a National Championship with the Longhorns, but Mack Brown still didn't get respect. It was only because of Vince Young. Mack Brown has flip flopped the record between he and Stoops at this point, but that is still not acknowledged. Stoops still gets tons of respect over Mack Brown. Nevermind that Mack Brown got his championship with a team that "he" built on his own.

Now, lets go to Stoops.

Most of it is covered above. This guy was tagged as being a great coach in his first couple years with OU, but what has he done since? Nothing. He has gotten national title shots, which as far as I am concerned were not deserved, and been exposed. In the ultimate success/failure that Texas and Oklahoma coaches get graded on, he is losing the battle with Texas in recent years. Nobody wants to acknowledge this.

Jumping confrences, lets talk about Jim Tressel
Quoting the great signature of Bucknut, "In Tressel We Trust". How long do you trust him? As far as I am concerned, this is a team that has been given things time and time again. Everyone has their own opinion about the title game again the Canes. I still contend that bad calls "gave" the Buckeyes that title, but that is ancient history at this point.

The Buckeyes have been the cream of the Big10, but so what.... It is the Big10. What has this conference been able to do over the past few years? Have you seen Tressel's record against top teams and in bowl games? It has gotten ugly. Yet still, this guy is recognized as a great college coach.

At what point do opinions begin to change on a college football coach?

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
I think winning the majority of the time at a major school is what most rate a coaches greatness on.

Since your on a roll......speak on the following:

Urban Meyer
Bronco Mendenhall