My Sad Story From Week 4


Well-Known Member
I entered into Week 4 at 0-3. Things were looking pretty bleak for my squad's playoff hopes, even though it's certainly not the woest team Ive ever fielded. I have just been very unlucky so far. Ive had the most points scored against me of anyone in the league.

Week 4 things were going to turn though. They had to. They MUST!

My squad was on full alert. Everyone gave a good performance. Brady, Cedric Benson, Sproles, Torrey Smith, Amendola, and Gates to a lesser degree. Even my defense and kicker got me 12 a piece. All in all it was good enough for 136 points. This is a massive score in my league. In our 3 year history, it's the 7th highest ever.

Unfortunately, it was not enough. My opponent put up 156, the highest of the year so far. He made a spot start with Scott Chandler and got 22 points. He played T Rich vs the Balt D and got 20. He had the Chi D vs the turnover machine Romo.

That marks twice in 4 weeks that I have played the high scorer of the week.

Poor me.

Ok, start the pity party now


That completely sucks. You know you have a great team, they should be able to win you some games...then crap like that happens. Tough break...


Im with you on the 0-4..

Ive been up against the league high score each week now. its gotta turn around at some point right?


Bacon=greatest of all!
In one of my leagues I am 1-3 and I have the most points scored by far. Week one I was the highest scoring team. Week 2, 3, and 4 I was the second highest scoring team and was beat by the highest scoring team. I'm not really worried yet cause that coincidence just can't continue...can it?