New profile posts

Could you have your sons get me their keepers so I can add them to their rosters? I'll post all of the keepers on the board so they can see them.
okay I will sit with them let them pick and get the seven, then I can PM them to you or post them in our forum
Sounds good. Be sure to have plenty of ice and band aids around just in case.
Also, flip a coin to see which of them goes first and let me know. They will draft #s 1 and 2.
Was thinking about Tekie today. Did he and unbelievable reconcile? was hard to tell from his postings. I miss him in here.

Hope all is well with you and all of yours.
Quick Question on RBs for Hafax

Singletary, TySon Williams, Jamal Williams, Sermon.

I have Jamal and Sermon in. Just pulled Singletary
How is it going ?? Not sure if you remember but I live in Nanaimo. I recently purchased a sailboat that is currently in N.Van. As I have no cable or wifi on the boat, I will have to go to a pub or something if I want to catch a game. Give me a call if you want to meet up for a beer and catch a game sometime. Prolly will not be in Van for week 2 though

Michael (250) 714-1688
Arctic Dawgs
Arctic Dawgs
Should be moving onto the boat full time by the end of the week
Sorry I missed the Hockey league. I'll get back in next year, probably.
Youre still around I see
Yes. I live in Frankfurt. I do visit the states pretty frequently though. My dad died earlier this year so I try to come back and help my mom out in Lancaster PA.

And you? Where are you these days?
Sgt John
Sgt John
San Antonio. Been here a few years. Will eventually relocate to DFW but not any time soon
Cool :)

I have to admit... I've never been to Texas!!!
Was contemplating about the Guise trade. Let me know if you want to restart talks.
Are you interested in another fantasy baseball team? If so, I have a league that you might be interested in joining.
I'm in 4 now. I think I'm good. Thanks anyway. Maybe Bubba?