9/18/2011 1pm : Da Bears @ New Orleans


Da Bears roll into the unfriendy ( actually they are very friendly in New Orleans) confines of that big dome structure. We know the Saints can roll with that O but can the bears O roll good enough to keep pace? Can the Bears D slow the Saints to stay within striking distance at the end? Tougher game than you might think for the Saints. Very interesting...... feel free to discuss.
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How should Saints fans treat the visitors from Chicago has had a lot of air time this week. Rightly or wrongly Saints fans seem to pretty much agree that Bear fans in Chicago suck. Lots of fights and nasty stuff have happened when we travel up north and some fans are calling for payback. Cooler heads keep reminding those that would seek revenge that we are known as the best place for a visiting team's fans to travel to and it's a distiction that the City should strive to uphold. Still it won't surprise me in the least if a couple of lubricated Cajuns decide to send a few Bear fans home with black eyes.