$100 Money League on Yahoo - LIVE DRAFT SEPTEMBER 5th - 4 More Needed


New Member
Hi guys,

Looking for 4 more for a 10 team re-draft league on Yahoo. The buy-in is $100, to be paid by PayPal prior to the draft. The league is entering it's 5th year so a lot of the managers are returning players who can vouch for my integrity. Legitimate, and highly competitive league.
Standard head to head scoring format and default Y! roster spots: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, K, DEF. Draft currently set for the evening of Monday 5th September, though can be adjusted to accommodate new players if need be.
If you're interested, feel free either to contact me at [email protected], reply this thread, or just go right ahead and register, using the log in details below:

ID: 411301
Password: football
